Sunday, March 06, 2005

JONAH - Seed Archive

Jonah 1:1 ff
TOPIC: Missions

TITLE: While Nineveh Goes to Hell!
I. Jonah's Success

Riding the crest of popularity; a successful prophet. [2 Kings 14:25]

II. Jonah's Call [1:1-2]
III. Jonah's Flight [1:3-2:10]
IV. Jonah's Message [3:1-4]
Short & sweet -- Forty days and Nineveh will be destroyed.
V. Jonah's Surprise [3:5-10]

The heathen repented and were spared; they weren't even part of chosen people.

VI. Jonah's Displeasure [4:1-4]
First time thus saith the Lord not literally fulfilled.
VII. Jonah's Lesson [4:5-11]
God is concerned about all people groups; it is not His will that any should perish [2 Peter 3:9].

[MISSIONS] If a child comes home and tells mom & dad the boss is sending junior to South America as part of a multi-million dollar oil exploration the folks say, "Wow! Great! You've made it son. We can't wait to call the family and the friends to tell them."

But if he comes home and tells them that God has called him to the mission field in South America to rescue the perishing, they say, "What? Are you sure? Are there any benefits? Is it safe? You don't even speak the language."

SOURCE: Bill Blanchard, Commission Magazine, May 1997 p. 280 (a publication of the International Missions Board of the Southern Baptist Convention).

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