Saturday, March 05, 2005

2 PETER - Seed Archive

2 Peter 2:4
“God … cast them into hell.”

TITLE: A Message from Hell!
FOUNDATIONAL INQUIRY: What is the message of hell?
[FIRE & BRIMSTONE] I recall a story of a Scottish pastor mesmerized by the fire in a glass factory's furnace. Thinking he was alone, the preacher said aloud, "Oh, what the fires of hell must be like!"

The next Sunday a worker from the glass factory confronted the man about his statement. "Oh preacher." He said. "I have had no rest since I overheard you say that. Tell me what I must do to avoid the fires of hell?"
The problem of human destinies has pressed hard upon Christians who take Scripture seriously, for the Word affirms three things:
I. The reality of hell.
The reality of hell as a state of eternal destructive punishment in which God's judicial retribution for sin is directly experienced.
II. The certainty of hell.
The certainty of hell for all who choose it by rejecting Jesus Christ and his offer of eternal life.
III. The equity of hell.
The justice of hell as a fit divine infliction upon humanity for our lawless and cruel deeds.

[J. I. Packer] "It was, to be sure, hell-deserving sinners whom Jesus came to save, and all who put their trust in him may know themselves forgiven, justified, and accepted forever—and thus delivered from the wrath to come. But what of those who lack this living faith?” [“Good Pagans and God’s Kingdom,” Christianity Today, pp. 22-25]
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