Tuesday, January 11, 2005

GENESIS - Seed Archive

Gen 1:1 [Cp. John 1:1]
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."
TOPIC: Nature of God
TITLE: The Creation - What Is It All About?

FOUNDATIONAL INQUIRY: What does the creation say about God?
I. It Says God Is Mighty! (He is Omnipotent)
II. It Says God Is Loving! (He loves us)
III. It Says God Is Worthy! (He is worthy of worship)

Gen 3:7
"Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin (or girdles) coverings."
TOPIC: Sin [Obedience]
TITLE: THE GREAT FALL - How our evil eye was opened!

FOUNDATIONAL INQUIRY: What was the progression in this eye opening event?
I. The Commission of Sin!
II. The Consciousness of Sin!
III. The Confrontation of Sin!

Gen 4:1-16

Topic: Unrighteousness vs. faithfulness

[UNRIGHTEOUSNESS] In the late '70s and early '80s, Seven-Up Bottling Company promoted their product with an amusing advertising campaign around the word UnCola ... its intent was to position itself against more well known colas.

Foundational Inquiry: Why was Able favored over Cain?

I. Because Cain was unfaithful!
II. Because Cain was unrepentant!
III. Because Cain was undone!
IV. Because Cain was unsaved!

Gen 7:17
"Then the flood came upon the earth for forty days, and the water increased
and lifted up the ark, so that it rose above the earth."
Topic: Last Days [Days of Noah]

Foundational Inquiry: What is the significance of God's choice of the flood and the Ark?

I. They Point to A Similar Day! [Genesis 6:5-7 vs. Luke 17:26-27]

II. They Point to A Similar Judgment! [Genesis 7:23 vs. 2 Peter 2:4-5, 9-10a]

III. They Point to A Similar Escape! [Heb. 11:7 vs. Ephesians 2:8; John 10:9; 14:6]

IV. They Point to A Similar Redeemer!

Gen 8:20-9:17

Noahic Covenant

Man, created in the image of God, has shown throughout time that he is incapable of being trusted. God again and again has come to our rescue and time and time again we have frustrated Him! Shame on us!

Foundational Inquiry:
What does the Noahic Covenant mean to contemporary man?
I. That we should continually sacrifice!
II. That we should never forget!
III. That it's fire next time!
APPLICATION/CHALLENGE: In spite of the fact that God regretted He made man, in spite of the fact that He had every right to wipe man from the face of the earth, He offers a reprieve, an opportunity to start over ... sealing it with a beautiful and timeless sign, the rainbow.

Man is passive in this transaction; God provides all, man contributes nothing. Take this moment and consider how we ought to respond to God's reprieve, the foregoing of final judgment until the fullness of times. Certainly we should not be responding the way we have!

Topic: Sin; Anger, Flesh, Pride, Rebellion, Spirit, Vengeance

Foundational Inquiry:
What three sins of pride does Esau exhibit in his choice of wives?
I. The Sin of Rebellion!
II. The Sin of Anger!
III. The Sin of Vengeance!
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